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    Help support a low-income family.

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Donate now. Support a family.

We empower families by connecting them with therapists who can help them through the specific challenges they face during their postpartum period. We make sure they have food delivered to their homes after giving birth so they can take time to recover and connect with their babies. By providing these services, we are not only helping individuals but also contributing to a movement of postpartum families who have access to the care they need during one of the most difficult times in their lives.

Donate Now to Support a Family

With every gift you provide to Okionu Birth Foundation, we are able to provide 10 healthy meals per week and group therapy support to a low-income family with a new baby where the need is great and help is scarce.

Make a difference. Your gift to Okionu Birth Foundation provides crucial resources for low-income, new parents in need.

Okionu Birth Foundation recently was awarded a Goldman Sachs` Black Women Impact grant.

A Simple Guide To Curating A Healthy Postpartum Journey

For expectant mothers